Two women and a man talking in a warehouse


  1. Company
  2. Compliance
  3. Code of Conduct


The German Association of Plastics Converters (GKV) represents the majority of the German plastics converting industry through its supporting associations the Federation of Reinforced Plastics (AVK), the Association for Plastics Packagings and Films (IK), the Industrial Association for Semi-Finished and Consumer Products made of Plastic (pro-K), and the Association for Technical Plastic Products (TecPart). The member companies explicitly acknowledge their corporate social responsibility.

Storopack Hans Reichenecker GmbH is a member of the GKV. The code of conduct drawn up by the GKV and to which Storopack subscribes is in accordance with our Vision & Guidelines.

This GKV code of conduct is a voluntary agreement on the basis of which the association’s member companies endeavor to guarantee compliance in particular with global requirements regarding ethical and moral conduct and with competition and antitrust law.


This includes the promotion of fair and sustainable standards when dealing with suppliers, customers, and the company’s own staff.

The GKV code of conduct was developed as a voluntary commitment. The participating companies are awarded certification by the GKV or its supporting associations.

This code of conduct applies to all of the company’s branches and production facilities, and thus to the entire Storopack Group.


Storopack Inc.

4758 Devitt Drive
OH 45246 Cincinnati
T +1 (513) 874-0314